Sunday, April 29, 2007 @7:53 PM
layer one: on the outside
Name: Ser Min
Birth date : 24 Apr
Current status : Single
Eye colour : Brown
Hair colour : Black dyed mahogany copper
Righty or lefty : Righty
layer two : on the inside
your heritage : Chinese
your fears : Screwing up and not knowing how to react
your weakness : Impatient; lazy
your perfect pizza : Chicken ham
layer three : yesterday, today, tomorrow
your thoughts first thing when i wake up : Praise God I slept well
your bedtime : 11pm onwards
your most missed memory : Schooling life
layer four : your pick
pepsi or coke : Coke
McDonald’s or burger king : McDonald
single or group dates : Single
adidas or nike : Adidas
tea or nestea : Green tea >.<
chocolate or vanilla : Chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee : Cappucino
layer five : do you.
smoke : No. I detest it.
curse : No
take a shower : Duh
have a crush : Maybe
think you’ve been in love : Yes
go to school : No
want to get married : Yes
believe in yourself : Yes
think you’re a health freak : A little
layer six : in the past month
drank alcohol : No
gone to the mall : Yes
been on stage : No
eaten sushi : No
dyed your hair : No
layer seven : have you ever,
played a stripping game : I'm innocent la.
changed who you were to fit in : No. I won't compromise my principles for the circumstances I'm in!
layer eight : age
you’re hoping to be married : This is tough. 28+
layer nine : in a girl/guy
best eye colour : Brown
best hair colour : Copper brown
short hair or long hair : Short
layer ten : what were you doing
1 min ago : Thx to sharon.. Typing this
1 hour ago : Blogging
4.5 hours ago : Smsing, eating apples
1 month ago : Working
1 year ago : Schooling
layer eleven : finish the sentence
i love : Tigger
i feel : Hungry. Dinner time!
i hate : Darkness
i hide : And seek
i need : Some food
layer twelve : tag five people.
- Xiaokai
- Regina
- Jayne
- Rongjian(haha you need to do twice)
- Ashley
@6:32 PM
I have aged..Not in the sense that I've really grown old but I'm now 18+1=19. It's hitting the number 2() soon. Now that there're more younger members in N283, and I'm thankful for their presence...They make me feel older. That means mature ok. So reg, I will remember not to act childish like I was yesterday. Haha.
Anyway it's a privilege to have groups of people celebrating my birthday for me this year. *AHEM..Many thanks to the 4H gang, N283, CB team 3 and last but not least, my family. What an eventful year. Also to the ones who sent SMS/MMS wishes, I love you
all -muack-
Followed tracy to the gym some days back. That was a good workout for me. It made me realise how unfit I've become and reminded me of the times in TJTT during training camp. Till today, I still suffer from muscle aches here and there. My thighs are numb to the core because of those exercises. Open close, open close. So obsene.(Don't try to visualize) I was moving my legs effortlessly since my leg muscles are rather muscular. If I were to amputate my legs, they probably weigh 20kg each. Ya it's that heavy. That's why my weight is not 40kg!! Not to mention 45 argh. Umm can't say much for my arms =\ No I can't lift weights. In addition, my agent called me up to ask if I wanted to do a one-day stock take assignment which I perceived to be similar to admin job. I was so wrong. When I reached the store, I saw two guys. First thought: Am I in the right place? My agent sent an e-mail indicating the position as 'PROMOTER' when she told me stock-taking the day before. Why are there guys promoting cosmetics?!?!?! Actually there are, but it's not the norm. After which, I took a glance at the number of boxes in front of me...At least 300? At the end of the day, the three of us only packed 137 boxes, cos the rest don't belong to Clarins! -_- Phew. Or else I'll never get to leave the place. Left the workplace with a sigh of relief. I just had a complimentary gym session. >.< Extreme pain.
PTL! The soreness is almost gone, like finally (: Sharon, stop laughing at me. How's your backache? TEEHEEHEEHEE. =X
I love serving God in church!! WHEE! <3 CHCCB! Moving onto main board soon. Double WHEES!
A word of encouragement especially to my dearest CG...
The examination period may be a tough time to get by BUT don't give up! Have faith, my friend. Know that as you put in the effort, you shall reap the fruits of your labour. You shall conquer 'the mountain of impossible' and be an overcomer! Remember that YOU CAN!!! Stop deceiving yourself saying you can't. Talk to yourself!! Do not listen to your inner voices.
Now...Prepare all that you need to. Don't look back at what you didn't do right in the past. Look forward to what you want to achieve in the future! All the best! Don't stress, relax xD
Saturday, April 21, 2007 @12:15 PM
Hi all! How did your week go?
N283 had an early birthday celebration for me yesterday *delighted* I had a chocolate cake and a grey jacket with the Billabong print! YAY! My wish came true...Cos I needed&wanted a jacket (: With that...A Million Thanks!
Courtesy of RJ's PSP:

This is classic...Doing the roti prata spin actually. Trying on the jacket...
Liting thanks for posing. Don't punch me. RJ is a lousy photographer haha...

I know I'm cool =D
With that highlight of the week, I conclude the end of Part 1 of my 19th celebration. Part 2...Soon la, soon. Someone get me a bag!! =X
Working at Toseva stressed me out further when I haven't been having enough sleep for the past few days. Was doing data entry on thurs and the errors surfaced out on fri, where it left me quite shocked. My confidence level dropped, not to even mention that of my supervisor's. She kept asking me, "Hey, you have no confidence in yourself ah..." I think it's her, not me. Accounts = extra sensitive figures and cannot go wrong!!! If any mistakes has been made, it will be tedious to find out where things have gone wrong. Sadly, I was caught in this situation yesterday. A difference of 30 cents almost killed me. After that she decided to let me do checking. I call that cross-referencing between two sets of accounts. Bleah. Wonder when is this 1-2 weeks assignment ending.. I'd rather be in some other departments!! Lol. Accounts $$$$$$$$$$ makes me mad.
Ok need to help out in doing household chores. Goodie bye.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 @11:01 PM
I'm thankful for the wonderful bunch of girlfriends that I have!!!!!! Especially to the birthday gang - Xiaokai, Kailin, Anne, Pricycia, not forgetting Wayne. Meiqi, I wanna meet up with you soon. Regina I miss you!! Thanks for replying so faithfully. I know you only have 360 a month while I have 1000 =X Happy studying dearie! Shall do research on radio, and ask myself if I want it badly.
I'm thankful for the celebration on 17th April! Enjoyed myself, especially with all the random, broken Cantonese by...

I'm so amazed 'he' wore a skirt. XK!! Youtube video? Lol... Almost died laughing at those videos. I have 3 in my phone, wahahaha...
I'm thankful for a new temp job at the ulu Ubi area. After two days in Accounts dept, I must say numbers are killing me cos they're making my eyes see **st*rs***
-blink blink-
It'll be over soon. 1 to 2 weeks but I don't mind a short extension. The working environment is pleasant. I'm still free to move about but not as often like the times back at SIM. Working reminds me of schooling. There's a bell that rings thrice in a day! It rings once at 9am(start work), another at 12.30pm(lunch!), finally, the last one at 5.30pm(bye bye).
SchoolWorklife minus recess. I love lunchtime. Yesterday, one funny colleague who went for reservist training in Taiwan came back and told us his adventure. He mentioned how he had to bear with the long 9-hour drive(Because he's a driver). The period was from 9pm to 6am with only a 15-minute break every 3 hours. (Inserts hokkien, and more hokkien phrases)...Since it was so cold there cos of the chilly winds, he shivered non-stop despite wearing 4 layers of clothing. The funniest part was this: 2000 men went for this particular training and they had to travel up and down several mountains. It was late in the night. They had to drive through villages to get to their destination. At a particular village, one of the villagers came out to complain that one pregnant goat was frightened off by the noises(Imagine 2000 men travelling late at night..) made and had a miscarriage.
The next point is ridiculous. He demanded a payment of 2K for that goat. After that, he wanted them to pay for 40 other goats because those 2000 men frightened his goats in the middle of the night. Night time robbery? -_-
I'm thankful for the presents!! Blessed myself with a new watch...=P All my watches are either spoilt/missing/lost. Not forgetting the big-head turtle, tigger mugs, and what's yet to come (:

19 soon!
Saturday, April 14, 2007 @11:06 AM
Feeling half awake still. The LUP is driving me NUTS!!! Those workers start drilling and knocking when I was still in LALAland. Slept at 2am and it feels bad when I know it's another late night for me today. Then came the siren which they used to wake everyone up so that some car owners could move their cars away for them to carry out the upgrading. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* . . *DRILLSSSSSSSSSS* =\ (WAH PIANG EH =()
Now I'm into my 2nd drama series of Corner* With Love. Like my ex-colleague, we both watch it for the sake of Show aka Xiaozhu =D Talking about him, Xk and I practically sang a lot of his songs at Kbox. Ya I went to Kbox to sing, knowing that I can't hit high notes and goes off-tune easily. Another learning experience for me. Kl didn't get to sing much, except for some English tracks and Stef Sun's songs. Was trying to see this white ghostly image in Zhang Xin's MV but missed it twice. Couldn't be bothered to play it for the third time cos I'd most probably miss it again, haha. So while the two of them went to the washroom, I was inside the room all alone. Guess what I did to make myself HIGH...
Attempting to sing 飞轮海 - 超喜欢你! (Reg, you wouldn't want to see me go crazy;yelling and shouting in the cosy little room =X)
Halfway through my performance, this guy ran and jumped directly across our room, appearing out of nowhere. Xk, I thought he was your friend...
Anyway, quite glad we didn't watch any movies. Wait till May!! The more interesting shows should be out from then on, yay =D
It's time for me to return to the show. Episode 2. That's rather slow...After that, get ready to go for another miraculous night at SIS~
Hey Tian the Pretty Lady: Does your friend like him? Or is it Jiro?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 @8:33 PM
My palm hurts. Guess I overexerted it while working a few months back. Punched holes for too many thick sheets of paper. I need healing.
This weekend is important to me!
@6:16 PM
Bloop bloop. Reg and I went for a swim today!!! Couldn't be bothered with how dry and frizzy my hair would be after getting in touch with chlorine water. Forgot to do some stretches. Now I have a feeling I'll have numerous muscle aches tomorrow. Early in the morning...The weather was perfect! Love the hot sun, cold water, but have something against reg's shampoo(&soap) lol =P My target was 50 laps(breadth) but after all the yakking and tanning, only managed to hit half of 50...Hee how slack. After the swim, we had some sinful fastfood. Tsk tsk.
Guess where we had our lunch...This is easy...

For the first time, my eating speed was relatively as slow as reg. That's because of:

S A L T !!!!!!! Yeah uncountable salt...
Haiz at least the fries were tasty, phew.
Bought some snacks at the supermarket, including Honey Stars! It comes with a Spider-man 3 web flinger. Get yours now in special packs of Nestle. Gonna try it out later...Had a hard time finding the spider-man flinger. There were so many Venom and Sandman flingers. Then we were discussing how many good movies are coming out this year, all the '3' shows - Spider-man;Shrek;Pirates and more non-3 shows. (: I want movie outings with N283, CB, friends!!!
Hiak hiak. Let me go crazy over Zunnie(Wu Zun) again...Only at episode 12.

(He looks real good after being detagged by me!! =D)
Monday, April 09, 2007 @5:14 PM
I don't want my blog to be proclaimed 'dead' so maybe it's a good idea to revive it today. =D =D =D
Have been trying to catch up on the dramas that I've missed while working, like "Hua Yang..." So long overdued, tsk. The characters are silly, especially when Jiro turns 'GAY'. Heard that the last episode is bad enough. Completely DUH. Their acting skills aren't commendable but enough to keep me entertained for the entire day. After this drama, it's time for "Zhuan Jiao..."!! That cycle is coming back again. How difficult it is for me to find a job. I admit I'm choosy and always comparing prospective choices to the one back at SIM. I miss schooling life =
The Easter weekend just passed. This year invited a few friends of which 2 turned up. Cheers.. In the morning we wanted to go bowling and travelled all the way to Hougang's Superbowl. Full House!!!! No it's not the Korean drama...But all the lanes were taken up and the next free time slot would be at 2.30. Supercue was too smokey for me to be at. The arcade wasn't even worth mentioning. Ended up walking around, ate at Thai Express where I had beef beehoon. Yep need to increase my iron intake for the blood donation! Anyway, like what the rest said, I also feel that this year's drama is one of the best! Even though the devil was so devilish "I'm going to destroy you".. Taunting >.< Jesus has overcomed the devil!!! A pity that I couldn't serve for CBdrama/CB this time round...
Stop here! Or I'd never get to finish the drama to proceed to the next...Tata!